[10.12.2024] On 2 and 3 December 2024, European researchers gathered at the RINGEN research centre in Litoměřice to summarise the results to date and plan next steps. The project "Drilling in the Oher Rift" is focused on the study of earthquake swarms, fluid flow in the Earth's crust, mantle-derived CO2 and He degassing, and research on deep biosphere processes. Four seismic boreholes were so far drilled within the project, with a depth of 400 m and one fluid borehole to measure fluids and gases.
The drill core collected from each borehole was analysed in Germany and then transported to Litoměřice, where the core samples are stored in the long term. This year's meeting is a follow-up to the "sampling party", which also took place at the RINGEN Research Centre in February 2022, during which drill core samples were selected for various analyses. Scientists from the Faculty of Science at Charles University, the Institute of Geophysics of the CAS, GFZ Potsdam, Aarhus University, the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg and many others are involved in the project.
More information about the project activities can be found on the ICDP website in English here: ICDP Eger