Thermal flow and temperature conditions in the earth's crust
Tato sekce je zaměřena na nové techniky měření teploty ve vrtech a její dlouhodobé monitorování včetně určování tepelných vlastností hornin v laboratoři za simulace přírodních teplotních a tlakových podmínek. Kromě laboratoří v zapojených institucích zahrnuje také podzemní laboratoř v granitovém masivu, kde je možné studovat tepelné parametry hornin a šíření teplotních změn a testovat sondy a monitorovací systémy v podmínkách in situ.
V této sekci jsou nabízeny následující služby:

Induced seismicity and tectonic stresses
This Section deals with seismicity, which, on the one hand, helps to monitor the progress of increasing rock permeability, but on the other hand can lead to disturbance of the population. The section provides the technical and methodological background for conducting seismic monitoring at high sensitivity in order to determine with sufficient accuracy the location of focal points and the geometry of fractures that have been activated. The second area under investigation within this section is the topic of rock stress, which is closely related to the permeability of the rock mass and the possibility of creating a geothermal exchanger at depth with the help of hydraulic stimulation. The infrastructure provides laboratories to study the geomechanical and geotechnical characteristics of rocks and their relationship to the geometry of natural fracture systems and rock stresses, using load tests and numerical models. It also includes monitoring of slow movements on fractures using sensitive dilatometers.
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Laboratory testing of strength and deformation parameters of rocks under uniaxial and triaxial states of stress
Laboratory determination of selected mechanical parameters of rocks and similar geomaterials as well as a comprehensive..
Hydrogeology, hydrochemistry and thermo-hydaulic modelling
This section provides laboratory facilities, conditions for field tests and data for calibration of thermo-hydraulic models. This includes hydrochemical and isotopic testing of groundwater and chemical interaction between rocks and water leading to corrosion or incrustation in the exchanger. Equipment is also available to perform circulation, pressure and infiltration tests on shallow boreholes. Thermohydraulic modelling allows, among other things, geothermal characterisation of the massif, modelling of energy storage processes and the effect of temperature changes on chemical processes, and calibration of models.
Measurement of hydrochemical parameters of groundwater
Measurements of hydrochemical water parameters can be made in both surface water and groundwater in suitable boreholes...Hydrogeochemical numerical modeling of water-rock interaction processes
A wide range of chemical interactions between groundwater and the rock environment can be simulated using..Hydraulic pumping test
Hydraulic pumping test to verify the permeability of the rock environment..
Geological conditions of the site
This section focuses mainly on the structural geology of the geothermal exchanger environment and the geometry of faults and fractures. It provides the background for petrological and mineralogical analysis of the rocks present, geochronological dating and the creation of 3D structural models and thermodynamic models under low pressure-temperature conditions.