Measurement of hydrochemical parameters of groundwater

Measurements of hydrochemical water parameters can be made in both surface water and groundwater in suitable boreholes.
Service description
  • on-site measurement of hydrochemical parameters

  • the following parameters are measured as standard: temperature, pH, Eh, TDS and dissolved oxygen

  • preparation of a study/report for the client purposes

  • possibility of water sampling for more detailed laboratory chemical analysis of the water

Technology / equipment used
  • Hach-Lange HQ-40D multimeter for measurements in surface water
  • Hydrochemical probe YSI EXO1 for in situ measurements in boreholes or for long-term continuous monitoring of parameters in water
  • Possibility to measure hydrochemical parameters up to a depth of 200 m
Category of use
  • paid service
Thematic area
  • geothermal energy, hydrochemical modelling, hydrogeological monitoring
Further informations
  • The service is provided at overhead costs to public research organisations in the Czech Republic
  • Commercial price offer and other conditions of service provision will be prepared on the basis of the submitted request
Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a inovace
Výzkumná infrastruktura RINGEN byla podpořena z programu účelové podpory Ministerstva školství mládeže a tělovýchovy pod reg. č. LM2015084 a z Operačního programu „Výzkum, vývoj a inovace“ pod reg. č. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001792